Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Master Healers of Dr. Zhi Gang Sha

Click on the audio button to hear an interview of two of Dr. Zhi Gang Sha's Master healers on Dr. Terry Shintani's "Healing and You" radio show in Hawaii.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Slim Populations Eat the Most Carbs

The Protein Carb Confusion Pt 2

If carbs make people fat, why are the slimmest populations in the world those who eat the most carbohydrate? See Dr. Shintani's explanation

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Fruit and Vegetable Nonsense

Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH

This week, a little bombshell went off in nutrition news when Associated Press reported that a low-fat diet high in Fruit and veggies was shown to be ineffective in preventing the recurrence of breast cancer.

What a bad example of a misleading report.

In this article, reporter Carla Johnson says that “Hopes that a diet low in fat and chock full of fruits and vegetables could prevent the return of breast cancer were dashed by a “large seven year experiment involving more than 3000 women”. She sites research recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association or JAMA.

A 50% Decrease in Breast Cancer Recurrence Went Unreported

The biggest problem with this Associated Press report failed to mention that this same large seven-year experiment showed that there was “Greater survival after breast cancer in physically active women with high vegetable-fruit intake regardless of obesity” in a report published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology*. This same study showed a near 50% reduction in recurrence of breast cancer in women who ate more fruit and vegetables and exercised regularly.

Why the confusion?

The latest report presents a comparison between two groups who improved their diets by eating more fruit and vegetables. One group was given recommendations to eat “five a day” servings of fruit and vegetables. This group was compared to a group recommended to eat a low fat diet (15 to 20% fat) and consume 8 servings of fruit and vegetables along with 16 oz of vegetable juice and 30 gm of fiber. What they found was no difference between these two groups in terms of recurrence of breast cancer.

A major flaw in the study is that the “mega veggie” group did not really follow the diet as prescribed and fat intake was not very low. The other problem is that the comparison group also improved their diet in the direction of more fruits and vegetables. The net effect of this is a study that doesn’t show much difference between the health of groups that both improve their diet. In other words, the difference in the eating patterns between the two groups was as big as it should have been. Thus, it should not be surprising that researchers could not find a difference between these two groups.

It really only shows that if people don’t follow the recommendations, they won’t see much improvement. And if they do follow the recommendations of increased fruit and vegetables and exercise – they may have a substantial reduction in their risk of breast cancer recurrence – as much as 50% or more. At least that is what this study says in the earlier report from this same study.

To me, based on both these reports, the one in JAMA and the one in Journal of Clinical Oncology, its thumbs up for more fruits & vegetables and exercise, and thumbs down for misleading reporting.
*J of Clinical Oncology 2007 Jun 10;25(17):2345-51

Friday, July 20, 2007

Greg Gerber, MD and the New EES Cell Energy Enhancement System

Click the audio button below to hear about other effects of EES with Dr. Gerber on "Healing and You" Radio with host Dr. Shintani

Monday, May 28, 2007

News Flash: Cocoa Good, Multivitamins Bad?

What's the nutrition world coming to? Cocoa is good and multivitamins bad? see below for details.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Video and Audio Tips You Can Use

Welcome to the Healing and You video and audio access page. Here, we provide you with access to health video and audio clips that you can use to help you maximize your health.

Simply click on the buttons below to hear the audio or video clip of you choice. If you haven't already done so, sign up for our free eZine at , where we have several videos of people who have benefitted from our programs.

This is in conjunction with the "Healing and You" radio show in Hawaii, the nation's integrative medicine capital on radio station am 1080 on Sundays at 8pm.

Cocoa is Actually Healthy For You

Ancient Ways for Modern Health

Friday, May 25, 2007

Excess Multivitamins May Increase Risk of Prostate Cancer

A new study conducted by researchers led by Dr. Karla Lawson at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda revealed an alarming correlation between excess multivitamin use and prostate cancer. Those who took more than one multivitamin supplement per day had a 32% HIGHER risk of cancer than those who took did not.

This study examined data on over 295,000 men over a period of 5 years. The result should be viewed as cautionary because they are not sure whether there is a causal relationship or just a correlation.

This seems to go against logic since other studies have suggested that phytonutrients such as lycopene in tomatoes tend to prevent protate cancer. In any case, this is adding to evidence that it is the consumption of vitamins and antioxidants in their whole form ie in vegetables, fruit and whole grain are the best way to prevent certain cancers.

Lawson, K.A. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, May 16, 2007; vol 99: pp 754-764.

(c) Healing and You 2007